Ari (Hamid) Zare - a social gearhead
Ari [--engineer] [--developer] [--diy-hacker] [--developer] [--other]
Experienced software engineer with a masters in computer science with a demonstrated
history of machine learning infrastructure work.
Feel free to contact me if you'd like to connect. Email:
[email protected]
Disclaimer: Due to budget cuts this man page might be out of date. Please refer to the PDF version here.
MLOps | Distributed Systems | Computer Networks | DevOps | ML Tooling | Engineering Design | Project Management | Mentoring | GCP | Distributed Systems Design and Development | Kubernetes and Container Orchestration | API Design and Implementation | CI/CD Pipeline Development and Optimization | Fault Tolerance and System Reliability | Backend Development | Computer Networks | Technical Leadership | Team Leadership
Docker | Kubernetes (K8s) | PostgreSQL | Git | Go | Python | Bash | SQL | TypeScript | JavaScript | C | Elm | PyTorch | Keras | Linux | Ansible | Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Google Cloud Platform (GCP) | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
If it ain't broke, I'll fix it. See the projects section.
Senior Software Engineer at HPE (AI Solutions) via Determined AI Acquisition June 2021 - Present
I contributed in various capacities most recently in the resource management team, and our GenAI product. I also took on roles to design and collaborate in launching three greenfield projects in new deep learning SaaS and Generative AI.
Leadership and Mentorship: I introduced and revised engineering processes in various teams. I mentored 10 new hires, conducted over 70 interviews, contributed to customer and product meetings, and consistently put team success over individual recognition.
Some projects:API: Designed and delivered various public and internal APIs based on standards such as OpenAPI, protobuf, gRPC, and WebSockets. Advocated for and developed various in-house code generators, which enabled many engineering workflows.
Tooling, CI/CD, and Testing: Identified and eliminated technical and process inefficiencies, achieving multiple 10x improvements in PR turnaround time. Initiated and delivered testing and CI infrastructure for various teams.
Software Engineer at Determined AI Aug 2019 - Present
Developing an end-to-end deep learning pipeline to enable automation of model selection and hyperparameter tuning. Distributed Deep Learning; Horovad; PyTorch; PyTorch Lightning; experiment tracking; hyperparameter search; Domain-aware scheduling; REST, GRPC, and Python API design
News: Acquired by HPE in 2021 . Link to the press release by HPE
Software Engineer (Intern) at Real-Time Innovations (RTI) Summer 2019
Software Engineer (RA) at Institute for Software Integrated Systems 2017 - 2019
Developing our open source, web-based visual programming environment, NetsBlox introducing distributed programming concepts like message passing and remote procedure calls to block based languages.
[Part-time research assistant]
Teaching Assistant at Vanderbilt University Spring 2017
Assisted with Program Design and Data Structures course taught in C++. Helped students understand different data structures and algorithms, design modular programs, use best practices, edge case testing and safety checks.
Software Engineer at TebSoft May 2015 - Dec 2016
Software Engineer Intern at Tosan Summer 2014
Developed a csv parser and multi-part loader for legacy data sheets saving data entry time while reducing error rate.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Computer Science at Vanderbilt University
Advisor: Prof. Ákos Lédeczi.
I decided to drop out of the Ph.D. program end of 2020 to pursue a career in industry.
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Computer Science at Vanderbilt University
Advisor: Prof. Ákos Lédeczi.
Researching the intersection of Computer Science education, Networks, Distributed Systems, and Robotics in Vanderbilt's cyber physical systems lab, Institute for Software Integrated Systems.
Coursework: Machine Learning; Modeling & Simulation; Deep Learning; Advanced Algorithms; Distributed Systems; Web-based System Architecture; Concurrent Java Programming; Reinforcement Learning; Cloud Computing
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in IT Engineering at Azad University
Coursework included: Data Structures; Software Engineering; Databases; Artificial Intelligence; Computer Networks; Operating Systems; Programming Languages; Statistics & Probability; Operational Research; * Top Student: Engineering department, junior and senior years.
gmenu (GoMenu) - cross platform dynamic menu (2023)
gmenu is a cross-platform lightweight dynamic GUI menu inspired by suckless dmenu. GoLang
Combo Switcher - window switcher, application launcher and spotlight replacement (2023)
Inspired by Rofi on Linux, addressing limitations with Alfred, browser integration, and improvements on spotlight. GoLang
Webcam Mods (WFH) (2020)
Linux 1st face tracking, background removal/blur, crop, zoom, record/replay. Zoom did not have support for virtual backgrounds on Linux for a long time so I made my own. A quick demo of my webcam mods. Python, TensorFlow, Linux
Decision Tree to Explain X (2021)
Write a decision tree in YAML and get a link to provide a visual step-by-step explanation of the process with someone. With support for loops and conditional branches. See how my dog reacts to any object here
Roboscape Device Provisioning (2018)
A set of solution for batch provisioning of heterogeneous robots used for provisioning Roboscape robots. C, JS, Vue.js
Visual Machine Learning (2018)
Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning abstractions for Snap visual programming environment. JavaScript, Tensorflow.js
Fog Alert (2018)
A 3-component fog based, intrusion detection system with basic threat detection mechanisms. Using a Raspberry Pi Zero, a beefy RPi 3, and NodeMCU modules Python, C
Roboscape (2018)
Educational robotics platform for teaching fundamental cybersecurity concepts using robots and NetsBlox C, JavaScript
Generalizable QLearning Framework (2018)
A simplified deep Q learning framework with examples Python, JS
NetsBlox Player (2018)
A mobile app to run networked, user-created, NetsBlox projects on IOS and Android. JS, Cordova, Ionic
Falcon9 Simulation (2018)
Numerical simulation and feasibility analysis of a reusable rocket Python, Matlab
Sketch Adventures (2018)
A game made for Global Game Jam 2018 to learn Rust. It is a game that allows users to move with the arrow keys and draw with the mouse. User drawings are classified and come to life with different behaviors to help pass the levels. Watch our demo here. Rust, Python
Teachable Robots (2017)
Accessible RPI powered robotics for the classroom (CTE paper) JS, Python
Next Block Prediction (2017)
Predicting and suggesting next blocks in block programming languages given the current flow of student's project using N-grams, Word2Vec and RNNs. Python, Tensorflow
Distributed PubSub Broker (2017)
Led a team of three to design and implement three different architectures of a resilient PubSub broker with QoS using ZeroMQ, CHORD, and Zookeeper from scratch.
Palantiri Gazing App (2017)
A toy app to demonstrate and exercises different concurrent programming paradigms and frameworks in Java. Java, Android, Concurrent Programming
Smart Home Automations w/ RPI & ESP (2016-P)
A collection of DIY smart home projects. TODO list and expand: hot-word detection, re-purposed Google assistant, Kodi voice control, smart blinds, sound reactive led lights, sensor node Python, C, Bash
UniDB (2016)
University Database is a crowdsourced database of universities and colleges in the states. In need of an accurate, comprehensive, and free source of information, I developed and published the platform as I was going through the graduate school application process. RoR, Ruby
Ruby on Rails; Android Programming; Linux Professional Institute Certification (LPIC) I & II; CentOS System Administration; Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA); Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Routing & Switching; Soft Skills; UI/UX;
H.Zare, M.Mar'oti, A.Ledeczi "Educational Robotics with a Twist", Blocks+ - 2018
A.Ledeczi, H.Zare, G.Stein "NetsBlox and Wireless Robots Make Cybersecurity Fun", SIGCSE - 2019 - ACM
A.Ledeczi, M.Mar'oti, P.Volgyesi, B.Broll, H.Zare "Teaching Cybersecurity with Networked Robots", SIGCSE - 2019 - ACM
B.Broll, ́A.Ledeczi, H.Zare, D.Do, J.Sallai, P.Volgyesi "A Visual Programming Environment for Introducing Distributed Computing to Secondary Education", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing - 2017 - Elsevier
B.Broll, H.Zare, A.Ledeczi. "Creating engaging science projects with Netsblox", Block & Beyond - 2017 - IEEE
B.Broll, H.Zare, D.Do, M.Misra, A.Ledeczi. "You can teach computer networking in high school", 2017 - IEEE
N.Hutchins, T.Darrah, H.Zare, H.Biswas. "A DSML for a Robotics Environment to Support Synergistic Learning of CT and Geometry. 2018 - CT in Education
* Mentored at Vandy Hacks * Presentations TODO * Conferences TODO
* Awarded full scholarship by Vanderbilt University's graduate school. 2017-2019. * Top Student: Engineering department, third and fourth year of undergraduate. 2014, 2015 * Ranked in the top 1% in the Iranian National Universities Entrance Exam. Sep 2011
* Email: [email protected]
* Address: San Francisco Bay Area, CA
* Linkedin:
* GitHub:
* Resume: hamid-resume.pdf